Sonntag ist immer der Tag an dem nichts passiert. Das könnte auch den nicht vorhandenen Unternehmungsmöglichkeiten in Fotadrevo geschuldet sein. So avanciert der Sonntag dann eben zum "laundry day".
Gestern haben wir es immerhin noch geschafft eine Methode zu finden, die gelieferten Moskitonetze ortsüblich und günstig an den neuen Betten zu befestigen:

Was 4 Bambusstangen und ein bisschen Schnur bewirken können ;)
Since I met many people on my trip, which were interested reading my blog but are not speaking German, I decided to translate the upcoming posts on English. So now you can practice your German a little better, Heuric ;)
Sunday's always the day not happening much in Fotadrevo. This could be the case because the possibilities for activities are a little bit limited here. Normally, Sunday's the laundry day.
Yesterday we finally found a way to fix the mosquito nets, which were delivered three weeks ago, on the new beds in a local and cheap manner.
See picture above.
Impressing, what 4 bamboo rods and some rope can facilitate ;)
Gestern haben wir es immerhin noch geschafft eine Methode zu finden, die gelieferten Moskitonetze ortsüblich und günstig an den neuen Betten zu befestigen:

Was 4 Bambusstangen und ein bisschen Schnur bewirken können ;)
Since I met many people on my trip, which were interested reading my blog but are not speaking German, I decided to translate the upcoming posts on English. So now you can practice your German a little better, Heuric ;)
Sunday's always the day not happening much in Fotadrevo. This could be the case because the possibilities for activities are a little bit limited here. Normally, Sunday's the laundry day.
Yesterday we finally found a way to fix the mosquito nets, which were delivered three weeks ago, on the new beds in a local and cheap manner.
See picture above.
Impressing, what 4 bamboo rods and some rope can facilitate ;)
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